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Sunday, January 28, 2007

New and revised 2007 U.S. tour dates with Six Parts Seven 

Remember how in the last tour update I posted, there was some conflicting info? Here's a new-and-hopefully-improved list of Buckner's upcoming tour with The Six Parts Seven (label site / myspace), with new info from Ground Control Touring, Merge Records and Pollstar.

According to the Randy Bacon Gallery Sounds blog, The Six Parts Seven, aside from performing on their own, "will also pull double-duty as Bucknerā€™s backup band." Very interesting, indeed! Looks like this tour will be one to catch if you can. Lots of new shows have been added, and you might want to recheck the dates to see if the changes affect any shows you're planning to attend.

Changes are indicated in bold:
... a plus sign (+) means an added show
... a pound sign (#) means some other change (see accompanying details).

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