Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Buckner blogs 'Incoherencies'; Meadow-rise today
I was surfing around the Merge Records website and found a link to an official Merge blog, Oh Merge. So I clicked on it, and the very top entry (as of now) is by none other than Buckner. Apparently it's already the third entry of a tour diary he's calling "Incoherencies." It looks as though someone at Merge posts on his behalf after he writes them. Here are the previous two entries: his second update from September 2nd in Texas and his debut entry from August 31st in Missouri.
I'm not sure if I'll keep blogging about his new posts, so if you're interested in reading his future tour diary entries, I recommend going over and subscribing to the Oh Merge RSS feed to be up-to-date.
Don't forget: the new album, Meadow, hits store shelves today. Buy it from your local favorite store or order online from Amazon