
[Bloomed] album reissue[Devotion + Doubt] album [Since] album[The Hill] album[Richard Buckner] album[Impasse-ette] EP[Impasse] album[Dents and Shells] album Richard Buckner & Jon Langford: [Sir Dark Invader Vs. The Fanglord] album[Meadow] album

Saturday, January 07, 2006

February tour dates: Midwest, eastern U.S. 

More concerts as Richard Buckner works his way back east. According to the Merge Records site, Doug Gillard -- the guitarist from the band Guided By Voices -- will accompany Buckner on all of the following shows. (I'm not sure if Gillard will have his own act, but the site says, "w/ Doug Gilliard (from Guided by Voices) on Guitar!" (BTW, his name is actually Gillard, not Gilliard). In any case, here are the dates: I linked the venues to their sites this time. Hope you find it useful. I probably won't link them every time I post a list of new shows, but I ended up searching for the church venue on the list to find out more about it, and so I figured I'd link it...then I linked the rest, as well...

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