
[Bloomed] album reissue[Devotion + Doubt] album [Since] album[The Hill] album[Richard Buckner] album[Impasse-ette] EP[Impasse] album[Dents and Shells] album Richard Buckner & Jon Langford: [Sir Dark Invader Vs. The Fanglord] album[Meadow] album

Thursday, October 28, 2004

From a camping cup on some missing night 

Yeah, most of you know this, but the latest album Dents and Shells was released on the Merge label on October 12th. I haven't been able to listen to the entire CD yet, but I've heard two tracks ("Her" and "A Chance Counsel") played often on KCRW and so far I like what I hear. You can pick up the album on CD at good music stores everywhere or directly from Merge Records or download it from iTunes.

The site that richardbuckner.com points to has finally been updated with the release of Dents and Shells.

RB is still on tour promoting the album, so check him out if you can. He also changed booking agents, switching from longtime representation of the Davis McLarty Agency in Austin to Aero Booking in Seattle.

* "From a camping cup on some missing night" is a line from the song "Her."

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