Thursday, August 26, 2004
Buckner's 'Ariel Ramirez' in a VW (commercial)
That's right, an edited version of Richard Buckner's song "Ariel Ramirez" is featured in one of the latest television ads for Volkswagen's Touareg (a.k.a. the VW SUV). (Thanks to Lauren from the Doubters list for making the original post.) About the first half of the song is used. If you're curious as to how the VW commercial version is different from the original song, I'll explain that in a bit...
For people unfamiliar with the song, "Ariel Ramirez" is from Richard Buckner's album Since (1998). Music and lyrics by Richard Buckner (BMI). The album should be available at any fine music store. Better yet, catch Buckner on tour (choose one of the links to the left for concert dates) and buy directly from him! (Well, he was still selling Since the last time I saw him, but I can't guarantee that he'll have copies for each show.)
Back to the commercial: it's been airing on U.S. network television, specifically on NBC during the Olympics, but don't be surprised if you see it elsewhere. You can watch a Quicktime version of the ad at the VW site: select the commercials section under "VW etc." The ad with Buckner's music is called "Picture."
I think I saw a shorter version of the ad a couple of days ago while tuned in to the Olympics -- I still haven't seen the one featured on the site, but then again I don't really watch much television these days.
AFAIK, this is the first time Buckner's music has been featured in an advertisement or on the screen. I don't think he's ever had music in TV or film soundtracks, either. "Ariel Ramirez" is one of my favorite Buckner songs, but it's still strange to hear it cut up/edited and in effect, changing the lyrics around. It's also strange to hear such a lonely song being played during what seems to be a happy couple appreciating the great outdoors (and taking a photo for someone); especially since the edited version of the song emphasizes the line "and close on down."
Here are the first of the lyrics from the original album version; I'll take it verse by verse and note what edits were made for the VW version:
O, where you lay
your head tonight,
I'll roll away alone
& close on down.
No changes in the VW version. So far, so good! (When I first heard this part in the commercial, I couldn't believe it: "Is it possible that they're using a Buckner song, in all its glory, in an ad seen by millions??" It turns out, well, not quite...) Next verse:
Take up your ring
& fly back out
& we'll pretend;
forget we're dead.
(my emphasis).... in the commercial, "forget we're dead" is replaced with a repeat of "& close on down" (!) Okay, last section:
Yeah! We'll lay it down
when we're all through:
when we're killed or cured
& barely heard.
(my emphasis) .... in the commercial, "when we're killed or cured and barely heard" is replaced with a repeat of "I'll roll away alone & close on down" -- which is strange for those familiar with the song, because this section is actually a sort of bridge or "B" theme, and the "I'll roll away alone & close on down" line is the end of the dominant verse or "A" theme. In other words, not only do the lyrics get changed in this section, but the music is altered too!
That's where the song in the commercial ends, so no more verses. It was a little jarring to hear the voice-over guy then give the tag line for VW, but that's advertising.
In any case, I hope this new exposure to Buckner's music will kick off many more sales of his CDs. If you happened to have found this site by hearing his music in the commercial, and want to pick up one of Buckner's albums, I recommend starting with either Since (after all, it does have "Ariel Ramirez") or Devotion + Doubt (or buying both is even better!).