
[Bloomed] album reissue[Devotion + Doubt] album [Since] album[The Hill] album[Richard Buckner] album[Impasse-ette] EP[Impasse] album[Dents and Shells] album Richard Buckner & Jon Langford: [Sir Dark Invader Vs. The Fanglord] album[Meadow] album

Thursday, July 31, 2003

Buckner at McCabe's 

So I did go to the RB show at McCabe's in Santa Monica (July 11th) -- all acoustic; Buckner solo; no opening act. I'll try and put up a set list soon. It was a riveting show as usual, and RB seemed to be in very good spirits and smiled more than ever. He played a number of new songs, all of which sounded like they could be from D+D or Since. A couple of them were particularly stunning. After the show I asked him when he'd record them, and he said he'd work on them in Austin over the fall/winter with some different musicians sitting in as well. If he finishes it early, we could see a new album in the spring of 2004!

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